Split All Services into Individual Pages #807

jonah merged 17 commits from split-pages into master 2019-04-02 00:42:35 +00:00

Thinking about splitting everything up into individual pages.


  • Ensure assets load from all pages.
  • Update navbar.
  • Remove services from index.
  • Add some cards/links on the homepage linking to these different pages.
    • Consider making the homepage cleaner overall. Move some of the less immediately useful to a subpage and make clear links to all the different subpages.
  • Make each page have it's own <title>
  • Give each page better headers so they look nicer standalone.
  • Adjust the layouts/paddings a bit so the pages look better standalone.
    • All the headers site-wide should have better spacing, everything kind of looks smushed together.
  • Configure redirects from old anchor links to new permalinks.
    • We have to use Javascript (see #140) but @BurungHantu1605 wants this done :/
  • Create overview pages for the providers and software categories.
    • /providers/
    • /software/
    • Currently /browsers/ and /os/ have no subpages.

Commit 4cd2824 is live at https://dev-1.privacytools.io/index.html for testing.
Updated as of Apr 1, 5:33 PM CT

Resolves: #140, Resolves: #624, Related: #145

Thinking about splitting everything up into individual pages. **To-do** - [x] Ensure assets load from all pages. - [x] Update navbar. - [x] Remove services from index. - [x] Add some cards/links on the homepage linking to these different pages. - [x] Consider making the homepage cleaner overall. Move some of the less immediately useful to a subpage and make clear links to all the different subpages. - [x] Make each page have it's own `<title>` - [x] Give each page better headers so they look nicer standalone. - [x] Adjust the layouts/paddings a bit so the pages look better standalone. - All the headers site-wide should have better spacing, everything kind of looks smushed together. - [x] Configure redirects from old anchor links to new permalinks. - We have to use Javascript (see #140) but @BurungHantu1605 wants this done :/ - [x] Create overview pages for the providers and software categories. - [x] `/providers/` - [x] `/software/` - Currently `/browsers/` and `/os/` have no subpages. --- Commit `4cd2824` is live at https://dev-1.privacytools.io/index.html for testing. Updated as of Apr 1, 5:33 PM CT --- Resolves: #140, Resolves: #624, Related: #145
privacytoolsIO commented 2019-04-01 10:36:29 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Great job so far.

Create overview pages for the providers and software categories.

I'd give this a low priority. Same with the redirects, we can do that when everything else is done.

Great job so far. > Create overview pages for the providers and software categories. I'd give this a low priority. Same with the redirects, we can do that when everything else is done.

The latest commit on here adds probably a better services page than I was planning, so this PR now closes #788 if merged.

The latest commit on here adds probably a better services page than I was planning, so this PR now closes #788 if merged.
victorhck commented 2019-04-02 00:05:24 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)

(sorry I edited the first comment by error. I left again like original)

(sorry I edited the first comment by error. I left again like original)

Geez, who doesn’t have permissions to edit my comments in this repo 😆

Geez, who *doesn’t* have permissions to edit my comments in this repo 😆
privacytoolsIO (Migrated from github.com) approved these changes 2019-04-02 00:40:59 +00:00
temporarium commented 2019-04-03 18:27:59 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)

It's easier to track content changes/modification when it's all one page.

Perhaps some kind of tagging system would be better.

It's easier to track content changes/modification when it's all one page. Perhaps some kind of tagging system would be better.
ghost commented 2019-04-03 18:30:48 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)

All content is added via pull requests. There's just a few of them per month.

All content is added via pull requests. There's just a few of them per month.
This repo is archived. You cannot comment on pull requests.
1 Participants
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Reference: privacyguides/privacytools.io#807
No description provided.