Image lossless optimization #202

PeterDaveHello merged 2 commits from image-optimize into master 2017-03-20 16:30:23 +00:00
PeterDaveHello commented 2017-03-18 07:09:56 +00:00 (Migrated from

107 png images optimized:

 img/favicons/android-chrome-144x144.png       | Bin 1034 -> 904 bytes
 img/favicons/android-chrome-192x192.png       | Bin 1281 -> 1094 bytes
 img/favicons/android-chrome-36x36.png         | Bin 509 -> 458 bytes
 img/favicons/android-chrome-48x48.png         | Bin 569 -> 515 bytes
 img/favicons/android-chrome-72x72.png         | Bin 642 -> 558 bytes
 img/favicons/android-chrome-96x96.png         | Bin 785 -> 689 bytes
 img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-114x114.png     | Bin 776 -> 630 bytes
 img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-120x120.png     | Bin 766 -> 669 bytes
 img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-144x144.png     | Bin 887 -> 763 bytes
 img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-152x152.png     | Bin 927 -> 795 bytes
 img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-180x180.png     | Bin 1106 -> 954 bytes
 img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-57x57.png       | Bin 450 -> 387 bytes
 img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-60x60.png       | Bin 487 -> 414 bytes
 img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-72x72.png       | Bin 532 -> 441 bytes
 img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-76x76.png       | Bin 542 -> 446 bytes
 img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png | Bin 1302 -> 1113 bytes
 img/favicons/apple-touch-icon.png             | Bin 1106 -> 954 bytes
 img/favicons/favicon-16x16.png                | Bin 407 -> 340 bytes
 img/favicons/favicon-32x32.png                | Bin 503 -> 451 bytes
 img/favicons/favicon-96x96.png                | Bin 785 -> 689 bytes
 img/favicons/mstile-144x144.png               | Bin 1013 -> 904 bytes
 img/favicons/mstile-150x150.png               | Bin 874 -> 794 bytes
 img/favicons/mstile-310x150.png               | Bin 1064 -> 954 bytes
 img/favicons/mstile-310x310.png               | Bin 1878 -> 1643 bytes
 img/favicons/mstile-70x70.png                 | Bin 668 -> 606 bytes
 img/icons/github.png                          | Bin 4157 -> 1600 bytes
 img/icons/reddit.png                          | Bin 6179 -> 4290 bytes
 img/icons/twitter.png                         | Bin 4444 -> 2816 bytes
 img/layout/Bitcoin.png                        | Bin 3913 -> 3424 bytes
 img/layout/PayPal.png                         | Bin 11929 -> 7575 bytes
 img/layout/UKUSA.png                          | Bin 28041 -> 17098 bytes
 img/layout/USA.png                            | Bin 71897 -> 58618 bytes
 img/layout/creativecommons.png                | Bin 1624 -> 1534 bytes
 img/layout/logo.png                           | Bin 16895 -> 11453 bytes
 img/layout/logo_smaller.png                   | Bin 36138 -> 22627 bytes
 img/layout/privatesearch.png                  | Bin 12799 -> 10571 bytes
 img/layout/qr.png                             | Bin 418 -> 371 bytes
 img/layout/reddit-logo.png                    | Bin 24792 -> 15763 bytes
 img/misc/QR-Code.png                          | Bin 4100 -> 565 bytes
 img/misc/smile.png                            | Bin 1579 -> 1193 bytes
 img/provider/Nextcloud.png                    | Bin 6361 -> 4668 bytes
 img/provider/Qwant.png                        | Bin 7767 -> 6360 bytes
 img/provider/StartPage.png                    | Bin 4162 -> 2336 bytes
 img/tools/0bin.png                            | Bin 6005 -> 4811 bytes
 img/tools/Bitcoin.png                         | Bin 5085 -> 3634 bytes
 img/tools/Bitmessage.png                      | Bin 10590 -> 9505 bytes
 img/tools/Brave.png                           | Bin 6883 -> 6850 bytes
 img/tools/ChatSecure.png                      | Bin 5158 -> 2469 bytes
 img/tools/Chromium.png                        | Bin 9988 -> 8824 bytes
 img/tools/Claws-Mail.png                      | Bin 26084 -> 23806 bytes
 img/tools/ClouDNS.png                         | Bin 5213 -> 4082 bytes
 img/tools/Cryptocat.png                       | Bin 12195 -> 10990 bytes
 img/tools/CyanogenMod.png                     | Bin 3411 -> 1759 bytes
 img/tools/Cyphertite.png                      | Bin 12300 -> 10370 bytes
 img/tools/DNSCrypt.png                        | Bin 6520 -> 4903 bytes
 img/tools/Debian.png                          | Bin 17776 -> 8565 bytes
 img/tools/Encryptr.png                        | Bin 7005 -> 6782 bytes
 img/tools/EtherCalc.png                       | Bin 6029 -> 4893 bytes
 img/tools/Etherpad.png                        | Bin 8608 -> 3881 bytes
 img/tools/F-Droid.png                         | Bin 15799 -> 13510 bytes
 img/tools/Firefox.png                         | Bin 25688 -> 23981 bytes
 img/tools/Freenet.png                         | Bin 8600 -> 4817 bytes
 img/tools/Friendica.png                       | Bin 9686 -> 7978 bytes
 img/tools/GNU-social.png                      | Bin 11445 -> 6430 bytes
 img/tools/GNUnet.png                          | Bin 12065 -> 7038 bytes
 img/tools/Ghostbin.png                        | Bin 4482 -> 1818 bytes
 img/tools/GnuPG.png                           | Bin 7475 -> 5819 bytes
 img/tools/I2P.png                             | Bin 12509 -> 6141 bytes
 img/tools/IceCat.png                          | Bin 24043 -> 21609 bytes
 img/tools/Jitsi.png                           | Bin 13883 -> 13188 bytes
 img/tools/KNOPPIX.png                         | Bin 19106 -> 15260 bytes
 img/tools/KeePass.png                         | Bin 18414 -> 17449 bytes
 img/tools/Laverna.png                         | Bin 5092 -> 3395 bytes
 img/tools/LibreWRT.png                        | Bin 4366 -> 3062 bytes
 img/tools/Linphone.png                        | Bin 13091 -> 11673 bytes
 img/tools/Mitro.png                           | Bin 22542 -> 17637 bytes
 img/tools/Open-Whisper-Systems.png            | Bin 7728 -> 7260 bytes
 img/tools/OpenNIC.png                         | Bin 3423 -> 2278 bytes
 img/tools/OpenWrt.png                         | Bin 6227 -> 3091 bytes
 img/tools/PeaZip.png                          | Bin 10489 -> 8600 bytes
 img/tools/PrivateBin.png                      | Bin 11372 -> 9693 bytes
 img/tools/ProtectedText.png                   | Bin 5459 -> 4016 bytes
 img/tools/Puppy-Linux.png                     | Bin 18133 -> 16106 bytes
 img/tools/Pydio.png                           | Bin 5250 -> 2228 bytes
 img/tools/Qubes-OS.png                        | Bin 6871 -> 3050 bytes
 img/tools/RetroShare.png                      | Bin 9718 -> 8828 bytes
 img/tools/Ricochet.png                        | Bin 10766 -> 9396 bytes
 img/tools/Sailfish-OS.png                     | Bin 5027 -> 3469 bytes
 img/tools/Seafile.png                         | Bin 7334 -> 5444 bytes
 img/tools/ShadowCash.png                      | Bin 12013 -> 8976 bytes
 img/tools/Simplenote.png                      | Bin 8224 -> 6740 bytes
 img/tools/SparkleShare.png                    | Bin 14219 -> 11490 bytes
 img/tools/Sylpheed.png                        | Bin 12547 -> 10851 bytes
 img/tools/Syncany.png                         | Bin 6624 -> 4969 bytes
 img/tools/Syncthing.png                       | Bin 12415 -> 9475 bytes
 img/tools/Tahoe-LAFS.png                      | Bin 3140 -> 1730 bytes
 img/tools/Thunderbird.png                     | Bin 23181 -> 21045 bytes
 img/tools/Tor-Browser.png                     | Bin 16184 -> 13238 bytes
 img/tools/Tor-Project.png                     | Bin 6244 -> 5104 bytes
 img/tools/Trisquel.png                        | Bin 16044 -> 13867 bytes
 img/tools/Turtl.png                           | Bin 6560 -> 4024 bytes
 img/tools/Ubuntu-Touch.png                    | Bin 9890 -> 6510 bytes
 img/tools/VeraCrypt.png                       | Bin 6942 -> 5713 bytes
 img/tools/diaspora.png                        | Bin 9899 -> 7108 bytes
 img/tools/disk42.png                          | Bin 6248 -> 4411 bytes
 img/tools/pfSense.png                         | Bin 5810 -> 4275 bytes
 img/tools/zcash.png                           | Bin 1212 -> 911 bytes

9 jpeg images optimized

 img/layout/Glenn-Greenwald-Why-privacy-matters.jpg | Bin 23837 -> 23816 bytes
 img/layout/browser-fingerprint.jpg                 | Bin 13074 -> 11367 bytes
 img/layout/warrant-canary.jpg                      | Bin 18099 -> 18098 bytes
 img/misc/bitcoin-surveillance.jpg                  | Bin 275942 -> 269197 bytes
 img/provider/Disconnect-Search.jpg                 | Bin 4058 -> 4056 bytes
 img/provider/DuckDuckGo.jpg                        | Bin 10926 -> 10925 bytes
 img/provider/ownCloud.jpg                          | Bin 5134 -> 5124 bytes
 img/provider/                  | Bin 3573 -> 3572 bytes
 img/tools/Master-Password.jpg                      | Bin 2841 -> 2839 bytes
107 png images optimized: ``` img/favicons/android-chrome-144x144.png | Bin 1034 -> 904 bytes img/favicons/android-chrome-192x192.png | Bin 1281 -> 1094 bytes img/favicons/android-chrome-36x36.png | Bin 509 -> 458 bytes img/favicons/android-chrome-48x48.png | Bin 569 -> 515 bytes img/favicons/android-chrome-72x72.png | Bin 642 -> 558 bytes img/favicons/android-chrome-96x96.png | Bin 785 -> 689 bytes img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-114x114.png | Bin 776 -> 630 bytes img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-120x120.png | Bin 766 -> 669 bytes img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-144x144.png | Bin 887 -> 763 bytes img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-152x152.png | Bin 927 -> 795 bytes img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-180x180.png | Bin 1106 -> 954 bytes img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-57x57.png | Bin 450 -> 387 bytes img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-60x60.png | Bin 487 -> 414 bytes img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-72x72.png | Bin 532 -> 441 bytes img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-76x76.png | Bin 542 -> 446 bytes img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png | Bin 1302 -> 1113 bytes img/favicons/apple-touch-icon.png | Bin 1106 -> 954 bytes img/favicons/favicon-16x16.png | Bin 407 -> 340 bytes img/favicons/favicon-32x32.png | Bin 503 -> 451 bytes img/favicons/favicon-96x96.png | Bin 785 -> 689 bytes img/favicons/mstile-144x144.png | Bin 1013 -> 904 bytes img/favicons/mstile-150x150.png | Bin 874 -> 794 bytes img/favicons/mstile-310x150.png | Bin 1064 -> 954 bytes img/favicons/mstile-310x310.png | Bin 1878 -> 1643 bytes img/favicons/mstile-70x70.png | Bin 668 -> 606 bytes img/icons/github.png | Bin 4157 -> 1600 bytes img/icons/reddit.png | Bin 6179 -> 4290 bytes img/icons/twitter.png | Bin 4444 -> 2816 bytes img/layout/Bitcoin.png | Bin 3913 -> 3424 bytes img/layout/PayPal.png | Bin 11929 -> 7575 bytes img/layout/UKUSA.png | Bin 28041 -> 17098 bytes img/layout/USA.png | Bin 71897 -> 58618 bytes img/layout/creativecommons.png | Bin 1624 -> 1534 bytes img/layout/logo.png | Bin 16895 -> 11453 bytes img/layout/logo_smaller.png | Bin 36138 -> 22627 bytes img/layout/privatesearch.png | Bin 12799 -> 10571 bytes img/layout/qr.png | Bin 418 -> 371 bytes img/layout/reddit-logo.png | Bin 24792 -> 15763 bytes img/misc/QR-Code.png | Bin 4100 -> 565 bytes img/misc/smile.png | Bin 1579 -> 1193 bytes img/provider/Nextcloud.png | Bin 6361 -> 4668 bytes img/provider/Qwant.png | Bin 7767 -> 6360 bytes img/provider/StartPage.png | Bin 4162 -> 2336 bytes img/tools/0bin.png | Bin 6005 -> 4811 bytes img/tools/Bitcoin.png | Bin 5085 -> 3634 bytes img/tools/Bitmessage.png | Bin 10590 -> 9505 bytes img/tools/Brave.png | Bin 6883 -> 6850 bytes img/tools/ChatSecure.png | Bin 5158 -> 2469 bytes img/tools/Chromium.png | Bin 9988 -> 8824 bytes img/tools/Claws-Mail.png | Bin 26084 -> 23806 bytes img/tools/ClouDNS.png | Bin 5213 -> 4082 bytes img/tools/Cryptocat.png | Bin 12195 -> 10990 bytes img/tools/CyanogenMod.png | Bin 3411 -> 1759 bytes img/tools/Cyphertite.png | Bin 12300 -> 10370 bytes img/tools/DNSCrypt.png | Bin 6520 -> 4903 bytes img/tools/Debian.png | Bin 17776 -> 8565 bytes img/tools/Encryptr.png | Bin 7005 -> 6782 bytes img/tools/EtherCalc.png | Bin 6029 -> 4893 bytes img/tools/Etherpad.png | Bin 8608 -> 3881 bytes img/tools/F-Droid.png | Bin 15799 -> 13510 bytes img/tools/Firefox.png | Bin 25688 -> 23981 bytes img/tools/Freenet.png | Bin 8600 -> 4817 bytes img/tools/Friendica.png | Bin 9686 -> 7978 bytes img/tools/GNU-social.png | Bin 11445 -> 6430 bytes img/tools/GNUnet.png | Bin 12065 -> 7038 bytes img/tools/Ghostbin.png | Bin 4482 -> 1818 bytes img/tools/GnuPG.png | Bin 7475 -> 5819 bytes img/tools/I2P.png | Bin 12509 -> 6141 bytes img/tools/IceCat.png | Bin 24043 -> 21609 bytes img/tools/Jitsi.png | Bin 13883 -> 13188 bytes img/tools/KNOPPIX.png | Bin 19106 -> 15260 bytes img/tools/KeePass.png | Bin 18414 -> 17449 bytes img/tools/Laverna.png | Bin 5092 -> 3395 bytes img/tools/LibreWRT.png | Bin 4366 -> 3062 bytes img/tools/Linphone.png | Bin 13091 -> 11673 bytes img/tools/Mitro.png | Bin 22542 -> 17637 bytes img/tools/Open-Whisper-Systems.png | Bin 7728 -> 7260 bytes img/tools/OpenNIC.png | Bin 3423 -> 2278 bytes img/tools/OpenWrt.png | Bin 6227 -> 3091 bytes img/tools/PeaZip.png | Bin 10489 -> 8600 bytes img/tools/PrivateBin.png | Bin 11372 -> 9693 bytes img/tools/ProtectedText.png | Bin 5459 -> 4016 bytes img/tools/Puppy-Linux.png | Bin 18133 -> 16106 bytes img/tools/Pydio.png | Bin 5250 -> 2228 bytes img/tools/Qubes-OS.png | Bin 6871 -> 3050 bytes img/tools/RetroShare.png | Bin 9718 -> 8828 bytes img/tools/Ricochet.png | Bin 10766 -> 9396 bytes img/tools/Sailfish-OS.png | Bin 5027 -> 3469 bytes img/tools/Seafile.png | Bin 7334 -> 5444 bytes img/tools/ShadowCash.png | Bin 12013 -> 8976 bytes img/tools/Simplenote.png | Bin 8224 -> 6740 bytes img/tools/SparkleShare.png | Bin 14219 -> 11490 bytes img/tools/Sylpheed.png | Bin 12547 -> 10851 bytes img/tools/Syncany.png | Bin 6624 -> 4969 bytes img/tools/Syncthing.png | Bin 12415 -> 9475 bytes img/tools/Tahoe-LAFS.png | Bin 3140 -> 1730 bytes img/tools/Thunderbird.png | Bin 23181 -> 21045 bytes img/tools/Tor-Browser.png | Bin 16184 -> 13238 bytes img/tools/Tor-Project.png | Bin 6244 -> 5104 bytes img/tools/Trisquel.png | Bin 16044 -> 13867 bytes img/tools/Turtl.png | Bin 6560 -> 4024 bytes img/tools/Ubuntu-Touch.png | Bin 9890 -> 6510 bytes img/tools/VeraCrypt.png | Bin 6942 -> 5713 bytes img/tools/diaspora.png | Bin 9899 -> 7108 bytes img/tools/disk42.png | Bin 6248 -> 4411 bytes img/tools/pfSense.png | Bin 5810 -> 4275 bytes img/tools/zcash.png | Bin 1212 -> 911 bytes ``` 9 jpeg images optimized ``` img/layout/Glenn-Greenwald-Why-privacy-matters.jpg | Bin 23837 -> 23816 bytes img/layout/browser-fingerprint.jpg | Bin 13074 -> 11367 bytes img/layout/warrant-canary.jpg | Bin 18099 -> 18098 bytes img/misc/bitcoin-surveillance.jpg | Bin 275942 -> 269197 bytes img/provider/Disconnect-Search.jpg | Bin 4058 -> 4056 bytes img/provider/DuckDuckGo.jpg | Bin 10926 -> 10925 bytes img/provider/ownCloud.jpg | Bin 5134 -> 5124 bytes img/provider/ | Bin 3573 -> 3572 bytes img/tools/Master-Password.jpg | Bin 2841 -> 2839 bytes ```
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