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further_reading: "Further Reading"
new: "New"
home: "Home"
participate: "Participate"
language: "Language"
download: "Download"
related_information: "Related Information"
contrib: "This software may depend on or recommend non-free software."
nav_toggle: "Toggle navigation"
services: "Services"
discourse: "Forum"
gitea: "Git-Repository Manager"
mastodon: "Social Network"
matrix: "Federated Chat"
privatebin: "Encrypted Pastebin"
searx: "Privacy Friendly Searx"
writefreely: "Federated Blog"
blog: "Blog"
provider: "Provider"
us_uk: "Avoid US & UK services"
cloud_storage: "Cloud Storage"
dns: "DNS"
email: "Email"
hosting: "Hosting"
pastebins: "Pastebins"
search_engines: "Search Engines"
social_networks: "Social Networks"
news_aggregators: "Social News Aggregators"
vpn: "VPN"
browser: "Browser"
fingerprint: "Fingerprinting Info"
privacy_addons: "Browser Add-ons"
tweaks: "Firefox Tweaks"
recommendations: "Recommendations"
webrtc_ip_leak: "WebRTC IP Leak Test"
improve_your_privacy: "Improve your privacy with these browser add-ons."
privacy_badger: "Privacy Badger"
privacy_badger_title: "Privacy Badger: Stop Tracking"
privacy_badger_description: "is a browser add-on that stops advertisers and other third-party trackers from secretly tracking where you go and what pages you look at on the web. Privacy Badger learns about trackers as you browse."
ublock_origin: "uBlock Origin"
ublock_origin_title: "uBlock Origin: Block Ads and Trackers"
ublock_origin_description: "is an efficient <a href=>wide-spectrum-blocker</a> that's easy on memory, and yet can load and enforce thousands more filters than other popular blockers out there. It has no monetization strategy and is completely open source."
cookie_autodelete: "Cookie AutoDelete"
cookie_autodelete_title: "Cookie AutoDelete: Automatically Delete Cookies"
cookie_autodelete_description: "automatically removes cookies when they are no longer used by open browser tabs. With the cookies, lingering sessions, as well as information used to spy on you, will be expunged."
https_everywhere: "HTTPS Everywhere"
https_everywhere_title: "HTTPS Everywhere: Secure Connections"
https_everywhere_description: "encrypts your communications with many major websites, making your browsing more secure. A collaboration between The Tor Project and the Electronic Frontier Foundation."
decentraleyes: "Decentraleyes"
decentraleyes_title: "Decentraleyes: Block Content Delivery Networks"
decentraleyes_description: "emulates Content Delivery Networks locally by intercepting requests, finding the required resource and injecting it into the environment. This all happens instantaneously, automatically, and no prior configuration is required."
terms_of_service_didnt_read: "Terms of Service; Didnt Read"
terms_of_service_didnt_read_title: "Terms of Service; Didnt Read: Be Informed"
terms_of_service_didnt_read_description: "I have read and agree to the Terms” is the biggest lie on the web. This addon aims to fix that by grading websites based on their Terms of Service agreements and gives short summaries."
snowflake: "Snowflake"
snowflake_title: "Snowflake"
snowflake_description: "is a new <a href=>pluggable transport</a> from the Tor Project. If you have an uncensored connection, running this extension volunteers your connection to be used as a Snowflake proxy to help users unable to connect to the Tor network. Your IP will not be visible to the sites users visit using your proxy, as this extension will not make you an exit node. If your access to the Tor network is blocked, this extension will not assist you, and you should use the <a href=>Tor Browser</a> instead."
umatrix: "uMatrix"
umatrix_title: "uMatrix: Stop Cross-Site Requests"
umatrix_description: "gives you control over the requests that websites make to other websites. Many websites integrate features which let other websites track you, such as Facebook Like Buttons or Google Analytics."
noScript_security_suite: "NoScript Security Suite"
noScript_security_suite_title: "NoScript Security Suite: Be in total control"
noScript_security_suite_description: "is a highly customizable plugin to selectively allow JavaScript, Java, and Flash to run only on websites you trust. Not for casual users, it requires technical knowledge to configure."
for_experts_only: "For Experts Only"
addon_warning: "These addons require quite a lot of interaction from the user. Some sites will not work properly until you have configured the add-ons."
excellent_add_ons: "Recommended Browser Add-ons"
cal_card: "Calendar/Contacts Sync Tools"
software: "Software"
notebook: "Digital Notebooks"
email_alt: "Email Alternatives"
email_clients: "Email Clients"
file_encryption: "File Encryption"
file_sharing: "File Sharing"
password_managers: "Password Managers"
productivity: "Productivity Tools"
rtc: "Real-Time Communication"
file_sync: "Secure File Sync"
networks: "Self Contained Networks"
cloud: "Self-Hosted Cloud Server"
os: "OS"
android_addons: "Android Privacy Add-ons"
windows_10: "Don't use Windows 10"
live_cd: "Live CD Operating Systems"
mobile: "Mobile Operating Systems"
pc_os: "PC OS Recommendations"
router: "Router Firmware"
description: "Improve your privacy with these add-ons for Android."
block_ads: "Block ads with"
control_traffic: "Control your traffic with"
tor: "Use Tor on Android with"
blokada: "works across all of your apps, not only the browser. It doesn't require root, supports both wifi and mobile networks, and is perfectly safe and simple to use. Just turn it on, and it will do the job silently!"
netguard: "provides simple and advanced ways to block certain apps' access to the internet without the help of root privileges. Applications and addresses can individually be allowed or denied access to your Wi-Fi and/or mobile connection, allowing you to control which apps are able to call home or not."
orbot: "is a free proxy app that empowers other apps to use the internet more securely. Orbot uses Tor to encrypt your Internet traffic and then hides it by bouncing through a series of computers around the world."
root_mode: "Root Mode:"
orbot_root: "Orbot can be configured to transparently proxy all of your Internet traffic through Tor. You can also choose which specific apps you want to use through Tor."
header: "Don't use Windows 10 - It's a privacy nightmare"
warning: "Microsoft introduced a lot of new features in Windows 10 such as Cortana. However, most of them are violating your privacy."
alt: "Windows 10 Privacy"
data: "Data syncing is by default enabled."
data1: "Browsing history and open websites."
data2: "Apps settings."
data3: "WiFi hotspot names and passwords."
ad_id: "Your device is by default tagged with a unique advertising ID."
ad_id1: "Used to serve you with personalized advertisements by third-party advertisers and ad networks."
cortana: "Cortana can collect any of your data."
cortana1: "Your keystrokes, searches and mic input."
cortana2: "Calendar data."
cortana3: "Music you listen to."
cortana4: "Credit card information."
cortana5: "Purchases"
collection: "Microsoft can collect any personal data."
collection1: "Your identity."
collection2: "Passwords."
collection3: "Demographics."
collection4: "Interests and habits."
collection5: "Usage data."
collection6: "Contacts and relationships."
collection7: "Location data."
collection8: "Content like emails, instant messages, caller list, audio and video recordings."
sharing: "Your data can be shared."
sharing1: "When downloading Windows 10, you are authorizing Microsoft to share any of above-mentioned data with any third-party, with or without your consent."
tool: "This tool uses some known methods that attempt to disable major tracking features in Windows 10."
lead: "You are being watched. Private and state-sponsored organizations are monitoring and recording your online activities. provides services, tools and knowledge to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance."
search: "Try, a Privacy-Respecting Search Engine"
start_search: "start search"
spread_the_word: "Spread the word and help your friends"
email_title: "Email"
facebook_title: "Facebook"
twitter_title: "Twitter"
mastodon_title: "Mastodon"
reddit_title: "reddit"
linkedin_title: "LinkedIn"
stumbleupon_title: "StumbleUpon"
diaspora_title: "Diaspora*"
copy_url_description: "Copy URL and Description"
for_easy_copy_paste: "For easy copy and paste. Share this text snippet."
CC0: "CC0"
CC0_title: "This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the &quot;Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication&quot;."
kopimi: "kopimi"
kopimi_title: "kopimi (copyme), symbol showing that you want to be copied. use kopimi in your own fancy. kopimi may be put on homepages or blogs, in books, in software, as sound logos in music or whatever."
contact: "Contact"
donate: "Donate"
donate_title: "Please support this project by donating. We are ad free and not affiliated with any providers. Your donation will cover our cost for server and domain."
no_ads: "No Ads, No Google Analytics, No Affiliates, No Cross-Site Requests."
socially_motivated: " is a socially motivated website that provides information for protecting your data security and privacy. Never trust any company with your privacy, always encrypt."
privacy_policy: "View our privacy policy"
learn_more: "Learn More"
javascript: "JavaScript Licenses"
tools: "Privacy Tools"
classic: "Prefer the classic site? View a single-page layout."
providers: "Providers"
providers_description: "Discover privacy-centric online services, including email providers, VPN operators, DNS administrators, and more!"
browsers: "Web Browsers"
browsers_description: "Find a web browser that respects your privacy, and discover how to harden your browser against tracking and leaks."
software: "Software"
software_description: "Discover a variety of open source software built to protect your privacy and keep your digital data secure."
os: "Operating Systems"
os_description: "Find out how your operating system is comprimising your privacy, and what simple alternatives exist."
services: "Services"
services_description: "The team is proud to launch a variety of privacy-centric online services, including a Mastodon instance, search engine, and more!"
donate: "Donate"
donate_description: "We can't operate this site without the generous contributions we receive from our viewers. If you love privacy and our website please consider donating."
header: "Privacy? I don't have anything to hide."
quotes: "Quotes"
header: "More Privacy Resources"
guides: "Guides"
guide1: "Surveillance Self-Defense by EFF"
guide1_d: "Guide to defending yourself from surveillance by using secure technology and developing careful practices."
guide2: "The Crypto Paper"
guide2_d: "Privacy, Security and Anonymity for Every Internet User."
guide3: "Email Self-Defense by FSF"
guide3_d: "A guide to fighting surveillance with GnuPG encryption."
guide4: "The Ultimate Privacy Guide"
guide4_d: "Excellent privacy guide written by the creators of the website."
guide5: "IVPN Privacy Guides"
guide5_d: "These privacy guides explain how to obtain vastly greater freedom, privacy and anonymity through compartmentalization and isolation."
guide6: "The Ultimate Guide to Online Privacy"
guide6_d: 'Comprehensive "Ninja Privacy Tips" and 150+ tools.'
info1: "r/privacytoolsIO Wiki"
info1_d: "Our Wiki on"
info2: "Security Now!"
info2_d: "Weekly Internet Security Podcast by Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte."
info3: "TechSNAP"
info3_d: "Weekly Systems, Network, and Administration Podcast. Every week TechSNAP covers the stories that impact those of us in the tech industry."
info4: ""
info4_d: "Get a public key, safely, starting just with someone's social media username."
info5: "Freedom of the Press Foundation"
info5_d: "Supporting and defending journalism dedicated to transparency and accountability since 2012."
info6: ""
info6_d: "German review aggregator website of privacy-related services."
info7: "Terms of Service; Didn't Read"
info7_d: '"I have read and agree to the Terms" is the biggest lie on the web. We aim to fix that.'
info8: ""
info8_d: "What does the US government know about you?"
info9: "The Great Cloudwall"
info9_d: "Critique and information on why to avoid Cloudflare, a big company with a huge portition of the internet behind it."
tool1: ""
tool1_d: "IP/DNS Detect - What is your IP, what is your DNS, what informations you send to websites."
tool2: "The ultimate Online Privacy Test Resource List"
tool2_d: "A collection of Internet sites that check whether your web browser leaks information."
tool3: "PRISM Break"
tool3_d: "We all have a right to privacy, which you can exercise today by encrypting your communications and ending your reliance on proprietary services."
tool4: "Security in-a-Box"
tool4_d: "A guide to digital security for activists and human rights defenders throughout the world."
tool5: "SecureDrop"
tool5_d: "An open-source whistleblower submission system that media organizations can use to securely accept documents from and communicate with anonymous sources. It was originally created by the late Aaron Swartz and is currently managed by Freedom of the Press Foundation."
tool6: "Reset The Net - Privacy Pack"
tool6_d: "Help fight to end mass surveillance. Get these tools to protect yourself and your friends."
tool7: "Security First"
tool7_d: "Umbrella is an Android app that provides all the advice needed to operate safely in a hostile environment."
tool8: "Osalt"
tool8_d: "A directory to help you find open source alternatives to proprietary tools."
tool9: "AlternativeTo"
tool9_d: "A directory to help find alternatives to other software, with the option to only show open source software."
note: "Note: Just being open source does not make software secure!"
participate: "Participate with suggestions and constructive criticism"
up_to_date: "It's important for a website like to stay up-to-date."
software_updates: "Keep an eye on software updates for the applications listed on our site."
follow_news: "Follow recent news about providers that we recommend."
keep_up: "We try our best to keep up, but we're not perfect and the internet is changing fast."
find_an_issue: "If you find an error, or you think a provider should not be listed here, or a qualified service provider is missing, or a browser plugin is not the best choice anymore, or anything else..."
talk_to_us: "Talk to us please."
find_us_on: "You can also find us on"
mastodon: "our own Mastodon instance"
or: "or on"
at: "at"
discourse: "Join our Discourse community to stay up to date on privacy news or make suggestions!"
follow: "Follow us on"
mastodon_follow: "Get the latest privacy-related updates from our Mastodon Feed. Follow us today!"
github: "Develop on GitHub"
github_d: "The complete website source code is available on GitHub. Join our developer team!"
contributors: "Contributor List"
thanks: "This is a community project aiming to deliver the best information available to improve privacy online. Thank you for participating. This project needs you."
cta: "Please Donate"
ad_free: "Our website is free of advertisements and not affiliated with any listed providers."
costs: "Your donation will cover our costs for servers, domains, coffee, beer, and pizza."
bitcoin: "We prefer Bitcoin donations to be above $5 due to the state of the network's transaction fees."
bitcoin2: "You are welcome to donate any smaller or larger amount on any other cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, or Stellar."
more: "More Cryptocurrencies"
the: "The"
team: " team"
endorse: "does not necessarily endorse all of the cryptocurrencies listed on this page. Please conduct your own research before purchasing any cryptocurrencies."
thanks: "Thanks for your support. You are awesome!"
title: "Contact Us"
description: "Contact the privacytoolsIO team if you have any suggestions or are experiencing any issues."
editorial_team: "Editorial Team"
up_to_date: "It's very important to us to stay up-to-date on the latest changes in the privacy space."
reach_out: "If you have a software recommendation for us, or want to request a change on this website, please don't hesitate to reach out."
start_discussion: "Start a discussion in our Discourse Forum"
open_an_issue: "Open an issue or pull request on GitHub"
reddit_suggestion: "Suggest something new on Reddit"
transparency: "For complete transparency, software and providers will only be considered for this website after discussions take place on either of the above platforms."
on_matrix: "We're now on Matrix! Join us at"
on_matrix2: "to chat with us and other members about this site and privacy in general"
register_matrix: "If you need a Matrix account, you can sign up with our own homeserver"
using: "using"
or_matrix_client: "or any Matrix client!"
abuse1: "We take the operation of our various services very seriously."
abuse2: "Report only abuse here:"
searx_issues: "Searx Issues"
website_issues: "Website Issues"
title: "Services from"
description: "The team is proud to introduce a suite of privacy-centric online services to connect you with other privacy-minded individuals and stay safe and secure online. No advertisers, no Google Analytics, no tracking, no third party requests of any kind."
we_have_the_following_services: "We currently have the following free-to-use services online now."
searx: "Searx - Privacy Friendly Search at"
mastodon: "Mastodon - Tracker Free Social Networking at"
matrix: "Matrix - Federated private chat at"
discourse: "Discourse - Forum at"
gitea: "Gitea - Git-Repository Manager at"
write_freely: "Write Freely - Federated minimalist blog at"
privatebin: "PrivateBin - Encrypted Pastebin at"
more_services_on_the_way: "More services are on the way."
beneficial: "If there's something that would be super beneficial for us to run, don't hesitate to reach out and ask."
consider: "And of course, if you like our services, please consider"
donating: "donating to support our server costs"
helps: "any donation helps!"
firmware: "Open Source Router Firmware"
openwrt_descr: "OpenWrt is an operating system (in particular, an embedded operating system) based on the Linux kernel, primarily used on embedded devices to route network traffic. The main components are the Linux kernel, util-linux, uClibc and BusyBox. All components have been optimized for size, to be small enough for fitting into the limited storage and memory available in home routers."
pfsense_descr: "pfSense is an open source firewall/router computer software distribution based on FreeBSD. It is installed on a computer to make a dedicated firewall/router for a network and is noted for its reliability and offering features often only found in expensive commercial firewalls. pfSense is commonly deployed as a perimeter firewall, router, wireless access point, DHCP server, DNS server, and as a VPN endpoint."
librecmc_descr: "LibreCMC is a GNU/Linux-libre distribution for computers with minimal resources, such as the Ben Nanonote, ath9k-based Wi-Fi routers, and other hardware with emphasis on free software. The project's current goal is to aim for compliance with the GNU Free System Distribution Guidelines (GNU FSDG) and ensure that the project continues to meet these requirements set forth by the Free Software Foundation (FSF)."
worth_mentioning: "Worth Mentioning"
openbsd_descr: "A project that produces a free, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. Emphasizes portability, standardization, correctness, proactive security and integrated cryptography."
ddwrt_descr: "A is Linux-based firmware for wireless routers and wireless access points. It is compatible with several models of routers and access points."
pc_operating_systems: "PC Operating Systems"
ms_warning: "If you are currently using a operating system like Windows 10, you should pick an alternative here."
qubesos_descr: "Qubes is an open-source operating system designed to provide strong security for desktop computing. Qubes is based on Xen, the X Window System, and Linux, and can run most Linux applications and utilize most of the Linux drivers."
debian_descr: "Debian is a Unix-like computer operating system and a Linux distribution that is composed entirely of free and open-source software, most of which is under the GNU General Public License, and packaged by a group of individuals known as the Debian project."
fedora_descr: "Fedora is a Linux distribution developed by the Fedora Project and sponsored by Red Hat. Fedora Workstation is a secure, reliable, and user-friendly edition developed for desktops and laptops, using GNOME as the default desktop environment."
warning: "Warning"
win10_nightmare: "Don't use Windows 10 - It's a privacy nightmare"
worth_mentioning: "Worth Mentioning"
openbsd_descr: "A project that produces a free, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. Emphasizes portability, standardization, correctness, proactive security and integrated cryptography."
arch_descr: "A simple, lightweight Linux distribution. It is composed predominantly of free and open-source software, and supports community involvement."
trisquel_descr: "Derived from Ubuntu, this project aims for a fully free software system without proprietary software or firmware and uses Linux-libre, a version of the Linux kernel with the non-free code (binary blobs) removed."
parabola_descr: "is a completely open source version of Arch Linux."
whonix_descr: "A Debian GNU/Linux based security-focused Linux distribution. It aims to provide privacy, security and anonymity on the internet. The operating system consists of two virtual machines, a \"Workstation\" and a Tor \"Gateway.\" All communication are forced through the Tor network to accomplish this."
mobile_operating_systems: "Mobile Operating Systems"
google_warning: "Even though the source code of the following OS is provided, installing Google Apps may compromise your setup."
lineageos_descr: "LineageOS is a free and open-source operating system for smartphones and tablets, based on the official releases of the Android Open Source Project. It is the continuation of the CyanogenMod project."
ubuntu_touch_descr: "Ubuntu Touch is a free and open-source operating system for smartphones and tablets. It's an alternative to the current popular mobile operating systems on the market. Only a few devices are <a href=>supported.</a>"
grapheneos_descr: "GrapheneOS is a free and open-source security and privacy focused mobile operating system built on top of the Android Open Source Project. It currently specifically targets devices offering strong hardware security."
worth_mentioning: "Worth Mentioning"
replicant_descr: "An open-source operating system based on Android, aiming to replace all proprietary components with free software."
omnirom_descr: "A free software operating system for smartphones and tablet computers, based on the Android mobile platform."
microg_descr: "A project that aims to reimplement the proprietary Google Play Services in the Android operating system with a FLOSS replacement."
microg_lineage: "The microG project also maintains a fork of LineageOS with microG and F-Droid preinstalled at"
live_cd: "Live CD Operating Systems"
tails_descr: "Tails is a live operating system, that starts on almost any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card. It aims at preserving privacy and anonymity, and helps to: Use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship; Internet connections go through the Tor network; leave no trace on the computer; use state-of-the-art cryptographic tools to encrypt files, emails and instant messaging."
knoppix_descr: "Knoppix is an operating system based on Debian designed to be run directly from a CD / DVD (Live CD) or a USB flash drive (Live USB), one of the first of its kind for any operating system. When starting a program, it is loaded from the removable medium and decompressed into a RAM drive. The decompression is transparent and on-the-fly."
puppy_linux_descr: "Puppy Linux operating system is a lightweight Linux distribution that focuses on ease of use and minimal memory footprint. The entire system can be run from RAM with current versions generally taking up about 210 MB, allowing the boot medium to be removed after the operating system has started."
worth_mentioning: "Worth Mentioning"
tiny_core_linux: "Tiny Core Linux"
tiny_core_linux_descr: "A minimal Linux operating system focusing on providing a base system using BusyBox and FLTK. The distribution is notable for its size (15 MB) and minimalism, with additional functionality provided by extensions."